Exeter Cathedral Choir photographed in front of the Chapter House door.
On the back of this postcard-style photograph is written 'Exeter Cathedral Choir about 1880'. The writing is in ink and in an old style of writing which would be appropriate for this period, and so suggests the date has some validity.
On the back is also printed the name of the photographers - J. Browning, 11 Bedford Circus, Exeter.
The Organist is probabluy the gentleman on the far right, possibly the only person carrying a mortar board, suggesting some form of 'badge of office'. For this date the organist would be Alfred Angel, successor to Samuel Sebastian Wesley, and his age in the photograph would be appropriate.
Note the choir wears only surplices; no cassocks are evident.
There are 18 boys. 15 adults are shown, excluding Alfred Angel; these would be a mixture of Lay Vicars and 'Secondaries', and possibly also an assistant to Angel.