Recordings and Broadcasts by Exeter over the years.

It is assembled from a variety of sources.

In addition to the items listed here, there are a number of organ-only recordings.

If you can add any details or you have any recordings you would like to have included here, please e-mail

With many thanks to Colin Brownlee of Archive of Recorded Church Music for help with compiling this information and for providing copies of some of the recordings.

1928. Two carols. Directed by Thomas Armstrong. Columbia Recording. 10 inch record.

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1955 A Recital of Cathedral Music. Reginald Moore. BBC Radio broadcast, 10 April. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1959 or 1960 (exact date is uncertain). Part of a BBC Radio Broadcast of a live Sunday Eucharist.

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1960 LP - Installation of Dean Marcus Knight, Lionel Dakers. Record, no label.

1966 Britain's Cathedrals and Their Music. The ninth in a series of weekly BBC radio broadcasts introduced by Sir John Betjeman. Broadcast 21 January 1966 and features the choir of Exeter Cathedral, directed by Lionel Dakers, with assistant organist Christopher Gower. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1966 LP - Christmas Carols from Exeter Cathedral, Lionel Dakers. EMI. (same as Twelve Well-loved Christmas Carols, but different sleeve design)

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1966 LP - Twelve Well-loved Christmas Carols, Lionel Dakers. Woman Magazine. (same as Christmas Carols from Exeter Cathedral, but different sleeve design)

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1968 LP - The Choir of Exeter Cathedral, Lionel Dakers. Pilgrim Recording and also on John King Label.

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1972 LP - Music from Exeter, Lionel Dakers

1972 LP - Diocesan Choral Festival Services 1971-72, Lionel Dakers

1973 LP - Carol Concert, Lionel Dakers

1975 LP - Exeter Cathedral Choir in 1974, Lucian Nethsingha. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1976 LP - Diocesan Choral Festival Services 1973-74, Lucian Nethsingha

1978 LP - Diocesan Choral Festival Services 1975-76, Lucian Nethsingha

1979 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. October 3 and October 10 (repeat). Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1982 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. May 5

1983 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live July 6 and rebroadcast November 4

1983 LP - Christmas Eve at Exeter, Lucian Nethsingha

1984 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live March 21 and rebroadcast August 31

1984 LP - Music for Passiontide & Easter, Lucian Nethsingha

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1985 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live March 6 and rebroadcast June 7

1985 LP - Evensong at Exeter, Lucian Nethsingha

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1986 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. June 18

1987 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live February 25 and rebroadcast October 21

1987 LP - French and English Church Music, Lucian Nethsingha

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1988 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live April 10 and rebroadcast June 22

1989 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. live January 29 and rebroadcast July 5

1989 LP - I Was Glad. A Selection of Favorite Church Music, Lucian Nethsingha

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1990 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. July 11. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1991 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. February 27

1991 LP and casette tape - Music for Advent and Christmas, Lucian Nethsingha

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Cassette Hear this

1992 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. February 19. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1993 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. June 30

1994 BBC Choral Evensong. Feast of St Peter, 29 June. Conducted by assistant organist Paul Morgan in the absence of Lucien Nethsingha, who was ill at the time. Organ: Stephen Tanner. Listen on Youtube - (Archive of Recorded Church Music)

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1995 Cassette tape and CD - The Lord's My Shepherd; A selection of Favourite Church Music, Lucian Nethsingha

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Cassette Hear this

1996 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. January 31

1997 CD - Angel Voices Ever Singing, The Girl Choristers and Gentlemen of Exeter Cathedral Choir, Stephen Tanner

1998 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. March 4

1998 CD - Sing To The Lord, Lucian Nethsingha

1999 BBC Choral Evensong, Lucian Nethsingha. February 10

2001 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. April 11

2002 BBC Choral Evensong, Stephen Tanner. July 10

2002 CD - Dancing Day, Andrew Millington

2003 CD - The Girl Choristers and Gentlemen of Exeter Cathedral Choir. On tour in Belgium and Holland, 16 - 20 July 2003. A concert compilation. Produced primarily for choir members, and not publically realeased.

2003 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. June 25

2004 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. November 3

2004 CD - Music for the Eucharist, Andrew Millington

2005 Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Association, Easter Reunion. Evensong (recording by ECOCA member)

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2006 Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Association, Easter Reunion. Evensong (recording by ECOCA member)

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2006 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. June 7

2008 CD - Evensong for St Peter's Day. The Girl Choristers and Gentlemen of Exeter Cathedral Choir, Stephen Tanner

2009 CD - Ascribe Unto the Lord; Large-scale Anthems from the Victorian Era, Andrew Millington

2009 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. October 14

2010 CD - The Complete Psalms of David. Volume 1, Series 2. Psalms 1-19, Andrew Millington

undated, but about 2010 CD - The Christmas Story. Choristers of Exeter Cathedral, conducted by Andrew Millington. Readings by Cliff Richard.

2011 CD - A Year in Exeter Cathedral. The Girls and Men of Exeter Cathedral Choir, Stephen Tanner

2012 CD - Lazarus Requiem by Patrick Hawes. Exeter Philharmonic Choir, Exeter Cathedral Choir, Royal Scottish National Orchestra. Soloists: Thomas Walker, Elin Manahan Thomas, Rachael Lloyd, (and from the cathedral choir) Julian Rippon (bass). Conducted by the composer.

2013 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington. December 11.

2014 CD - Christmas at Exeter Cathedral, Andrew Millington

2014 Barry Ferguson talking in the Chapter House in June 2014, about his experiences as a boy in the choir in the 1950s. (listen on Youtube - 1 hour)

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2015 Exeter Cathedral Old Choristers' Association, Easter Reunion. Eucharist and Evensong (recording by ECOCA member)

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2015 BBC Choral Evensong, Andrew Millington BBC Choral Evensong April 29

2018 BBC Choral Evensong, Timothy Noon. January 17

2018 CD - A Year at Exeter, Timothy Noon

2019 BBC Choral Evensong. Timothy Noon (Director); Timoth Parsons (Organ). November 13

  • Introit: Justorum animae (Stanford)
  • Responses: Leighton
  • Psalms 69, 70 (Ross, Mann, Goss)
  • Canticles: Bullock in D
  • Anthem: Lo, the full, final sacrifice (Finzi)
  • Voluntary: Hymne d'action de grĂ¢ce 'Te Deum', Op 5 No 3 (Langlais)

2019 BBC Choral Evensong. Timothy Noon (Director); Timoth Parsons (Organ). Broadcast December 18 (recorded 12 November)

  • Introit: Misterium mirabile (Annabel McLauchlan Rooney)
  • Responses: Moore
  • Psalms 93, 94 (Woodward, Wesley, Rogers)
  • Canticles: The Exeter Service (Nico Muhly). Commissioned to mark the 25th anniversary of the introduction of girl choristers. First Broadcast performance
  • Anthem: The Burning Bush (Shephard)
  • Anthem after intercessions: Jesus Christ the apple tree (Poston)
  • Voluntary: Toccata, Fugue et Hymne sur 'Ave Maris Stella' (Peeters)

2024 BBC Choral Evensong. Timothy Noon (Director); Michael Stephens-Jones (Organ). Live broadcast 3pm Wednesday 15th May 2024, repeated 3pm Sunday 19th May 2024

  • Responses: Shephard
  • Psalm 78 (just the one psalm ... ha ha!) (chants: Mann, Hopkins, Crotch, Hylton Stewart, Atkins, Walmisley)
  • Canticles: Gloucester Service (Howells)
  • Anthem: Psalm 133: The Peace of God (Cheryl Frances-Hoad)
  • Voluntary: Church bells beyond the stars (Cecilia McDowall)