Other Old Choristers' Associations
While the Grand Organ of Exeter Cathedral is out of action from January to February for some much-needed TLC, the Organ Scholar, Adam Field, is taking the opportunity to perform all of J.S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier (BWV 846-963). This is a collection of preludes and fugues in every key (on every note), major and minor, twice - thus, 48.
Adam will play these as voluntaries before and after choral services, 9th January to 2nd March, on the grand piano or on the cathedral's 4-stop Tickell chamber organ of 2007. The last few performances will be on the Grand Organ after its return to use for the beginning of March.
Performances before and after Sunday morning Eucharists will be live-streamed by the cathedral.
The project is in aid of the choir's tour to Normandy and Paris in July 2025. Please support this by donating via JustGiving.
Or simply come to any choral service to hear some lovely Bach!
An immersive musical journey with Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon and the cathedral choir.
Bring your cushions, camping chairs, blankets or other items to sit on and follow the choir as they perform around the cathedral. There will not be any allocated formal seating.
A fund-raising concert for the choir's tour to France in July.
The current choir's Exeter Cathedral Choir Association has an essential aim of raising money for enrichment activities for the choristers and to help fund choir tours. You can support this at no cost to you, by simply doing your online shopping using 'Easyfunding'
Over £1,000 has been raised so far this way!
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