Other Old Choristers' Associations
Note - the hotel is not allowing Dinner Bookings after 21st March or 'on the day'. You can still submit the form after that for membership renewal and to let us know you want to join in with the other activities of the day.
Some of our membership information is very out of date, so please share the booking link with any siblings/old friends you think might not have received booking information, regardless of whether you think they'll attend the reunion.
Programme of the day:
10.30 Practice in the Cathedral
11.30 Choral Eucharist: OCs join the Cathedral Choir
Mass: Schubert in G
Anthem: Locus Iste - Anton Bruckner
12.55 Cooked Lunch at the Chantry (£9 - book via the online form - or bring your own picnic)
14.00 Rehearsal in the Cathedral
15.00 Evensong: OCs join the Cathedral Choir to sing:
Introit: Give me my scallop-shell of quiet - Andrew Millington
Canticles: C. V. Stanford in C
Anthem: I Was Glad - C. H. H. Parry
16.00 Reception in the new Cloister
17.00 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (Chapter House)
All welcome - come and get involved in the running of your Association
19.00 for 19.30 Dinner at Mercure Southgate Hotel, Southernhay East, EX1 1QF
Note - The hotel is not allowing Dinner Bookings after 21st March or 'on the day'. Use the online form to book by 21st March!!
The current choir's Exeter Cathedral Choir Association has an essential aim of raising money for enrichment activities for the choristers and to help fund choir tours. You can support this at no cost to you, by simply doing your online shopping using 'Easyfunding'
Over £1,500 has been raised so far this way!